About Me

Hello! My name is Malcolm and I am a seasoned IT professional specialising in Cloud computing (is cloud mainstream now, do we start spelling it with a lowercase c the same way Internet became internet? Too soon?)

My technology career spans two decades with its genesis in the Internet and infrastructure administration. I've worked across a range of Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 industries ranging from Internet Service Providers, manufacturing, enterprise infrastructure software, media and financial services in the City of London.

I cut my corporate teeth in the data centre, I was that guy racking and stacking servers until I thought there must be a better way. I got involved with AWS back in 2013 and was fortunate enough to have some in-person training (before it was called immersion days) in New York. I've been an AWS Professionally certified Solution Architect since 2014 - nearly 10 years and counting. I subsequently have Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud certifications.

Apart from Cloud computing I also build a number of web apps and services, take a look at my apps page for more details.

I created this blog to share my thoughts on the tech industry and to take you on my life long learning journey in the cloud. I aim to post weekly on topics related to cloud, certifications, tech industry trends, startup culture and Internet stuff.

You can find me on LinkedIn to see my professional profile.

Blog Tech Stack

I've gone for a very minimalist theme and technical design for this blog. In place of using a complicated WordPress system this blog uses simple, back to basics, HTML files served off an S3 bucket fronted by CloudFront.

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